μέρα o γάιδαρος ενός αγρότη έπεσε σε ένα πηγάδι.Το
ζώο φώναζε απελπισμένα για ώρες κι ο αγρότης προσπαθούσε να καταλάβει τι έπρεπε
να κάνει.
αποφάσισε ότι το ζώο ήταν γέρικο, και τα έξοδα που απαιτούνταν για να το βγάλει
από το πηγάδι ήσαν πολλά. Δεν
άξιζε τον κόπο να προσπαθήσει να σώσει τον γάιδαρο. Το μόνο που σκέφτηκε να
κάνει ήταν να το θάψει ζωντανό.
όλους τους γείτονές του να
έρθουν και να τον βοηθήσουν. Πήραν όλοι από ένα φτυάρι και άρχισαν να πετάνε
χώματα στο πηγάδι. Στην αρχή, ο γάιδαρος συνειδητοποίησε τι συνέβαινε και
φώναξε φρικτά. Μετά όμως, προς έκπληξη όλων, ησύχασε.
φορτία χώμα αργότερα, ο γεωργός κοίταξε κάτω το πηγάδι κι έμεινε έκπληκτος με
αυτό που είδε.
κάτι καταπληκτικό!!!
κάθε φτυαριά χώμα που έπεφτε στην πλάτη του, ο γάιδαρος τιναζόταν και έκανε ένα
βήμα προς τα πάνω.
γείτονες του αγρότη συνέχισαν να πετάνε φτυαριές χώμα πάνω στο ζώο, κι αυτό
κάθε φορά τιναζόταν κι έκανε ένα βήμα προς τα πάνω. Πολύ σύντομα, όλοι ήταν
έκπληκτοι με το γαϊδούρι να έχει φτάσει στην επιφάνεια του πηγαδιού.
δίδαγμα: Η
ζωή μπορεί να φέρει σε σας πολλές φτυαριές από σκουπίδια μέσα στο πηγάδι της
ζωής σας. Να θυμάστε όμως, πως, κάθε ένα από τα προβλήματά σας αυτά είναι ένα
εφαλτήριο. Μπορούμε να βγούμε από τα βαθύτερα πηγάδια απλά με ένα τίναγμα.
Πατάμε πάνω στο πρόβλημα και κάνουμε ένα βήμα πάνω.
Donkey in the Well
Once upon a time, a farmer’s donkey fell down into a
well that the farmer had accidentally left uncovered. The donkey cried and
cried, and the farmer tried to figure out a way to get the donkey out of the
deep hole, however, the sides were too unstable to lower someone down with a
rope to tie around the donkey, and as the donkey was panicky and thrashing
about, he was concerned he or one of his farm hands might be injured and stuck
down the hole too.
The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer
tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the
well needed to be covered up anyway, so it just wasn’t worth it to retrieve the
donkey. He invited his neighbours to come and help, so they all grabbed a
shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well.
As he felt the dirt falling on him, the donkey, being
a donkey, kicked and kicked. When that didn’t seem to help, he brayed and
brayed. Once the piles of dirt hit the donkey, the animal found renewed energy,
and brayed even louder than he had before. The men turned their eyes from one
another and pretended not to hear the donkey’s pleadings. The donkey kicked up
a fuss and made a terrible commotion, but no one came to help. The donkey
cried, but as he tired and began to understand the hopelessness of its
situation, he began to give up, and got quiet, and then he realised something
amazing was happening.
The donkey realized that the dirt was a gift. With
each scoop of dirt that fell into the well, the donkey shook off any that
landed on it and then took a step up onto the top of the pile of dirt forming
at the bottom of the well. More dirt, another shake and another step up.
The men kept shoveling; certain that they were burying
the poor donkey. But as they were shoveling, the donkey was shaking off the
dirt and stomping it into the ground below him. With every shovel of dirt that
hit his back, the donkey shook the dirt off and took a step up. As the
men continued to shovel dirt on top of the animal, the donkey would shake it
off and take a step up. The men were busy shoveling so they didn’t notice what
was happening.
A few shovel loads later, the farmer and neighbours
finally looked down the well and was astonished at what they saw. The men were
quite surprised to see the donkey, looking right straight at them. It was
standing on top of all that dirt that had been dropped on it. Pretty soon,
everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and
trotted off!
Its message is timeless, as many of us have found ourselves stuck in a situation where we just didn’t know to get through. The metaphorical dirt was poured over our heads, and we got buried by the problems, or we shook the dirt to the ground and rise above the circumstances.We always have the choice to be victim or victor. So if it feels as if you are in that well with no chance of being freed, think of the donkey who refused to accept that his circumstances were beyond his control; he didn’t give up and he didn’t give in.
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a stepping stone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not giving up.
Shake it off and take a step up!
Muito bonita. Faz refletir!
Obrigada por compartilhar. Abraço
Querido amigo,
O céu se iluminou,
a estrela apareceu,
os anjos entoaram louvores,
nasceu o filho de Deus.
Numa gruta em Belém,
veio ao mundo o Salvador,
trazendo em suas mãozinhas,
verdade, paz e amor.
Seu bercinho foi uma
pobrezinha e frugal,
que as bençãos do Deus menino
se renovem neste Natal.
Desejo a você e a todos aqueles de mais ama, um
lindo e abençoado Feliz Natal. Beijocas
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