The Cyprus parliament has
rejected the savings tax unanimously.
For now. The rejection came in spite of modifications to the proposal that
would have exempted the first €20,000 ($25,894) deposited from the tax.
By Bill Wilson — The Politeuro strikes again.
A recent €10 billion ($13
billion) European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) bailout
package to prop up Cyprus’
banking system that lost billions on Greek
debt comes with a very curious string
attached: Cyprus must levy a €5.8 billion ($7.5 billion) tax on domestic
That’s right. Ordinary savings accounts held by
average citizens up to €100,000 ($129,470) would be taxed at 6.75 percent, and
those with more would have to pay 9.9 percent.
This is a new one. So much for the concept of a “safe”
deposit. If you’re a citizen of a debt-strapped nation that gets into trouble,
your life savings could be subject to confiscation in order to pay off the
banks that stand to lose money for their poor investments in sovereign debt and
other so-called assets.
Already Cypriot president Nicos
Anastasiades has accused the EU and IMF of engaging in “blackmail” by threatening a complete collapse of Cyprus’ economy, who’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) totaled €17.88 billion ($23.15 billion) in 2012
according to Eurostat. Cyprus’ economy comprises just 1.9 percent of the entire
Yet the €10 billion bailout of the country’s banking
system would amount to a whopping 55.9 percent of the country’s GDP. The
deposit tax would amount to 32.4 percent of GDP.
So far, the IMF — in which the U.S. has a $165 billion
stake — is not saying how much of the bailout it will be financing. “The IMF is
considering proposing a contribution to the financing of this package,” the IMF’s Managing
Director Christine Lagarde said in a news conference, adding, “The exact amount is not yet specified. It will take some
But whatever Lagarde decides, U.S. taxpayers will be
compelled to aid and assist this outright theft of the life savings of the
people of Cyprus. Why would the U.S. demand that a sovereign government steal
money that is not theirs to take?
This is the act of a criminal enterprise, the type of
blackmail one might expect from thumb-breaking loan sharks on the docks of
Philadelphia. Not from an international organization
supposedly tasked with “provid[ing] loans to
countries that have trouble meeting their international payments and cannot
otherwise find sufficient financing on affordable terms.”
Cyprus’ banking system — the Cayman Islands of the
Eurozone — has total assets that
comprise nearly 900 percent of GDP,
according to a 2010. If that figure holds true today, those are loans and other
assets that might total about €160 billion ($208 billion).
Is a tax on one-third an entire economy to bail out
too-big-to-save banks “affordable”? Will €10 billion even be enough to
save the system there?
Cyprus is a loan-making machine for the international
bank cartel. And now, to cover their losses on European sovereign debt, the
people of Cyprus are being held hostage and made to pay the price for the
In Cyprus, banks have been closed until Thursday to
prevent a run by depositors to take their money out before the tax is levied.
The Parliament there temporarily postponed a vote on the measure, which with
public opposition understandably overwhelming, would amount to political
suicide to members. And whether it passes or not, it may not stem a bank run
once accounts reopen. The lion has shown its teeth.
Read again: The banks in Cyprus, not the people there,
made these loans to Greece and other troubled sovereigns. And it is those banks
that should bear the losses, not innocent depositors.
The IMF-led Eurozone bailouts are destroying freedom
and democracy in Europe, and the U.S. should have nothing more to do with it.
Not only should we recall our $100 billion of so-called “New Arrangements to
Borrow” credit line to the IMF that was agreed to in 2009. We should also
redeem the entirety of our $65 billion quota in the institution. We are not
The IMF no longer serves U.S. interests, if it ever
did. It serves the interests of the international bank cartel, which apparently
views our life savings as poker chips to gamble with and then when they lose,
as a taxable event to cover their catastrophic losses. And then if one refuses
to go along with the shakedown, it threatens to destroy the entire economy.
This must not stand.
The government of Cyprus ought to follow the lead of Iceland, which in 2008 faced the
same exact crisis of a failing financial system, that time from a domestic
housing bubble. The Icelandic solution was to guarantee domestic deposits of
citizens, engage in modest currency devaluation, and to allow the banks to
collapse. This was a cheaper solution than trying to the guarantee those banks
against losses, which had assets up to 10 times greater than GDP.
In the context of Cyprus, this would undoubtedly mean
leaving the Eurozone. But such a move would not lead to economic collapse in
Cyprus per se. Far from it. It would liberate the people and guarantee the
independence of Cyprus from the boot of Brussels, the IMF, and the banksters.
Bill Wilson is the President of
Americans for Limited Government. You can follow Bill on Twitter at @BillWilsonALG.
Source: Americans for Limited Government
for Limited Government (ALG) is a lobbying group and advocacy organization which
describes itself as a non-partisan, nationwide network committed to advancing
free-market reforms, private property rights and core American liberties.
Its primary concerns
are tax and spending reform, property rights,
restoration, school choice,
limiting the size of government, and political term limits.
«Αμερικανοί για Περιορισμένη Κυβέρνηση» είναι μια οργανωμένη ομάδα λόμπι και συμβουλευτική
οργάνωση που περιγράφει τον εαυτό της ως μια μη κομματική, ένα πανεθνικό δίκτυο
με δέσμευση να προωθήσει μεταρρυθμίσεις στην ελεύθερη αγορά, τα δικαιώματα της
ιδιοκτησίας και βασικές αμερικανικές ελευθερίες.
μέλημα είναι η φορολογική μεταρρύθμιση, η αποκατάσταση των δικαιωμάτων της ιδιοκτησίας,
η επιλογή σχολείου, ο περιορισμός του μεγέθους του κράτους και ο περιορισμός
των πολιτικών θητειών.
1 comment:
è , meu amigo, quando o governo erra ou se submete à pressão de banqueiros ou FMI o povo acaba sofrendo as consequências. Em 1990 O então presidente do Brasil apelou para um plano "fantástico" que segundo ele resolveria o problema e sua primeira medida, ao tomar posse no dia 15 de março de 1990, foi anunciar seu pacote de modernização administrativa e vitalização da economia, através do plano Collor I, que previa, entre outras coisas:
- Volta do Cruzeiro como moeda;
- Congelamento de preços e salários;
- Bloqueio de contas correntes e poupanças no prazo de 18 meses;
- Demissão de funcionários e diminuição de órgãos públicos;
O objetivo deste plano, segundo Collor, era conter a inflação e cortar gastos desnecessários do governo. Porém, estas medidas não tiveram sucesso, causando profunda recessão, desemprego e insatisfação popular.
Trabalhadores, empresários, foram surpreendidos com o confisco em suas contas bancárias. O governo chegou a bloquear em moeda nacional o equivalente a oitenta bilhões de dólares.Pelo que li, em chipre aplicaram uma taxa , no Brasil CONFISCARAM, ou seja apropriaram-se de toda economia que o cidadão comum tinha no banco, seja na conta corrente ou poupança. Ninguém poderia sacar seu dinheiro, economizado durante anos e por muitos anos nem o repasse da inflação receberam...Quem tinha o suficiente para comprar uma csa em 1990, depois de todo o ocorrido não conseguiria nem comprar um terreno para construir uma casa. Foi um roubo vergonhoso e fizeram o mesmo. Bancos fechados e ninguém podia sacar nada. Pior é que nada disto resolveu nada. O povo paga pelos desmandos e gastos governamentais.
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